Labels and certificates. Part I: “Why do I want one?”

When I founded goodmapp, from the very beginning it was clear to me that it was not supposed to become another label or certification, with so many already out there. Goodmapp’s mission was supposed, and still is, to give us the chance to use our voices. What do we consider to be fair and sustainable?

Coming across an article from the the Guardian, asking whether we as consumers understand what’s behind a certification label and if it actually mattered if we do, I together with Yvette Ramakers, a starting social entrepreneur, explored the maze of labels and certificates. Was it justified of me to be skeptical?

Divided into three parts, this first part will take a look from an entrepreneurial point of view. It’s the story of Yvette Ramakers when starting her company in the (organic) textile industry. What does it mean for a starting social enterprise to receive a certification and why would an enterprise want one?

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